Sisters of St. Joseph
a Blue Community
March 5, 21 -- 24, WaterDocs Film Festival, Toronto,
ENJOY A GREAT LINE-UP OF FILMS - ENGAGING DISCUSSIONS WITH FILMMAKERS & SPEAKERS - SPECIAL GUESTS - FAMILY FRIENDLY OFFERINGS - AWARDS - ART EXHIBITS - MUSICAL PERFORMANCES -COMMUNITY PARTNER DISPLAYS. Join the Blue Communities project at the final screening, 3pm on Sunday March 24 since we have been given time and space to share our work with a public. We also had this graphic below added to the Festival's program and will be seen by hundreds of people.

Saturday, February 2, 2019
Everyone is invited to attend Water is the First Medicine on Saturday, February 2 at the Sisters’ residence at 2 O'Connor Drive. This event is open to the public.

August 13, 2018 @6:30 pm
Faith in Action: Clean-up Humber Bay Shores
Together, we will reflect on the importance of caring for our world as we unite in effort to care for our common home. Email: with your RSVP.

October 29th, 2018 @2pm
Responding to the call to uphold our commitment to protecting the waters of our mother earth -- with Dr. Debby Wilson Danard
Anishinaabekwe Ojibway, sturgeon clan member of Manitou Rapids, Rainy River First Nations in Northwestern Ontario. PhD specializing in Aboriginal & Indigenous Research in Social Justice Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, (OISE) University of Toronto. Traditional Knowledge Practitioner & Life Promotion Ambassador.
Becoming a Blue Community -- with Paul Baines (CSJ Blue Communities Coordinator)
Water is Life. Water is Sacred. Protect the Sacred. These short appeals have gone from the margins to the mainstream in recent years, thanks to the leadership of Indigenous woman and a growing movement of allies from all walks of life. Adding to their legacy of healing and lifting up the most vulnerable, the CSJ is the first religious order and the first non-governmental organization to adopt the Blue Communities pledge. Looking into the future, we now ask: why is it important to protect water as a human right, a shared commons, and a sacred gift? Paul will present on the need for this Blue Community and some steps forward on our water journey.
Location: 2 O'Connor Drive, Sister Residence

October 29th, 2018 @7pm
Theology on Tap
The Gift of Water: from creation to commodity
Join Paul Baines from the CSJ's Federation Blue Communities project to talk about our connection and commitment to water. We will discuss water as a human right, water privatization and commodification, and shared water infrastructure and imagination. Enjoy a drink while we get to the source of our taps and all life on this blue planet.
Location: Duke of York, 39 Prince Arthur Avenue.