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Sisters of St. Joseph
a Blue Community
Our Blue Community program reflects the Congregations of St. Joseph’s (CSJ)
charism of unity and reconciliation. We honour our responsibilities to protect water
as a human right, shared commons, and sacred gift.
Through reflection, education, advocacy, and service,
this program centers and strengthens our respectful relations to all the waters circulating our common home.

At the end of 2017, the Federation of the
Sisters of St. Joseph became a Blue Community
so that we can protect water as a shared commons, sacred gift, and human right.
Explore this website to learn more about
our intentions and actions.
Watch and share our video featuring a colourful new poster and several voices from across the Federation.
Our Facebook Feed
Program Coordinator:
Steering Committee:
Sr. Bonnie Chesser, Sr. Anne Karges, Sr. Cecily Hewitt, Sr. Loretta Manzara, Sabrina Chiefari (Staff), and Associates Ruth-Anne Ingram, Rita Pulice, and Judy Bowes
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