Sisters of St. Joseph
a Blue Community
October 15th -- 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm @ St. Jerome's Parish, SAULT STE. MARIE
Becoming a Blue Community
Water is Life. Water is Sacred. Protect the Sacred. These short appeals have gone from the margins to the mainstream in recent years, thanks to the leadership of Indigenous woman and a growing movement of allies from all walks of life. Adding to their legacy of healing and lifting up the most vulnerable, the CSJ is the first religious order and the first non-governmental organization to adopt the Blue Communities pledge. Looking into the future, we now ask: why is it important to protect water as a human right, a shared commons, and a sacred gift? Paul will present on the need for this Blue Community and some steps forward on our water journey.
Special SSM guest will be Candace Day Neveau.
October 16th -- 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm @ St. Joseph's Residence, SUDBURY
Similar outline as SSM
October 17th -- 3pm to 5pm @ Bishop Carter Room, NORTH BAY
Similar outline as SSM

Chapter Directional Statement
Empowered by the Living Word of God, nurtured by our charism and our graced history, and conscious of our desire to live out of a contemplative stance, we, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie promise that:
We will continue to widen our heart in mutual relationship with Mother Earth -- our common home, and with the dear neighbour -- our Indigenous sisters and brothers, with all those whom we encounter, with those who have no voice and with each other...
We will stretch our minds and spirits by respecting and embracing our own vulnerability, the vulnerability of others and the vulnerability of Mother Earth...
We will lengthen and make firm our paths into greater healing and reconciliation...
The following is the scripture quotation that guided our process during the year of Chapter preparation and during the Chapter.
Widen the space of your tent, Stretch out your tent cloths freely, Strengthen your ropes, make your pegs firm.
(Isaiah 54:2)