Sisters of St. Joseph
a Blue Community
Blue Community resources created by our CSJ program
In 2020, we made a poster called One River, Two Futures: reflections on water and shared it with schools and water education organizations.
In 2023, we revised the poster and created a companion kit so that educators can dive into the issues with more context and critical questions.
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Download the FREE poster (8.5 x 11 inch) or use this form to order the full sized version (24 x 36 inch).
A short video about the poster featuring CSJ Sisters and Staff and their reflections on water.
An invitation to stop selling bottled water and to honour the lands & waters
Download this 4 page guide and replace bottled water with a land & water acknowledgement.
Municipal Water Guide
This guide explains how our Blue Community mandate relates to municipal water governance and advocacy.
This guide can help inform your participation in the democratic processes of:
Asking questions at public forums
Contacting candidates directly
Sharing your thoughts to the media
Posting messages to social media
Inviting conversations with friends, family, and colleagues