Sisters of St. Joseph
a Blue Community
2023 Events
March 27, 2 - 3:30pm
CSJ Blue Community World Water Day welcome
Join us in celebrating the sacred gift of water. Learn about our Blue Community plans for 2023 and engage with our 2 special guest speakers working at the
local and global levels:
Emma Harmos - Leading her high school to become a Blue Community
Sr. Barbara Bozak, CSJ -Representing the Congregations of St. Joseph at the United Nations
February 11: (9:30am - 5pm)
Navigating Deep Waters, Watershed 2022
We find ourselves in deep waters, surrounded by threats to water, people, & planet on all sides. Yet, we also find ourselves surrounded with inspiration, stories of resistance, people awakening to their power to protect the environment, and hope. This is why the theme of this year’s Peoples Water Convention, Watershed 3, is Navigating Deep Waters. Together we will hear stories, share our own, engage with leaders in the environmental justice movement, learn new skills, and explore our collective vision for this critical movement. RSVP today.
ReFrame Film Festival (January 26 - February 3)
We are a sponsor of 2 films for this annual festival based in Peterborough but available online for anyone in Canada. Stream 60+ documentary films from the comfort of home, lighting up the darkest time of year with inspiring activist stories, fascinating trips across the world, incredible images and thought-provoking discussion! Get your tickets.
2022 Events
October 1: The Waves of Change (9 - 12 pm)
There is a global crisis where water shutoffs and shortages are a growing problem. No country is immune, including Canada, where many communities are already experiencing a lack of access to clean water.
Urgent change is needed.
Maude Barlow is an author and activist, a founding member of the Council of Canadians, and the founder of the Blue Planet Project. Earlier this year, she published her new book: Still Hopeful: Lessons From a Lifetime of Activism. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto and their Ministry for Social Justice, Peace, and Creation Care are honoured to welcome Maude to share her insights for wise hope and realistic action at this in-person event.
Watch the livestream recording.
2021 Events
October 16: Watershed 2021 - a peoples water convention
🔹 Engage with renowned experts, NGOs, indigenous leaders, and grassroots groups
🔹 Share your opinions with the Ontario government, opposition parties & broader community
🔹 Discover your role in building the movement for a more just & secure water future in Ontario
September 29: Towards Decolonizing Settler-led Water Protection & Advocacy
In this watershed moment of unsettling colonial relations between Canadians and Indigenous peoples, how are Canadian-led water efforts picking up their responsibilities? See the recording here.
This event aims to answer this critical question. We want to help answer your questions and we have created a special format to do so. There will be 2 moderators taking and pitching your questions to 3 non-experts who have been activating a more decolonial relationship with water for several years -- personally and professionally. You can even send your question in advance.
Moderators: Lindsay Potts & Hanna Grewal
Non-Expert Guests: Paul Baines, Arlene Slocombe and Taylor Wilkes
June 24-26 Great Lakes gathering
There was a large Great Lakes gathering hosted by the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. Day 1 includes a presentation by CSJ Blue Community coordinator, Paul Baines.
April 21, Water Aid Canada
The CSJ Blue Community project connected with WaterAid Canada to talk about clean and safe water as the front line of defence and the foundation for public health.
We were joined by Julie Truelove (Senior Policy Analyst with WaterAid Canada) and other WaterAid partners such Mercy Masoo (Country Director, WaterAid Malawi).
Our Blue Community work so far has focused mainly on local and Canada-wide issues. This was our opportunity to learn about water injustices more globally. The Human Right to Clean Water and Sanitation still leaves too many behind. 1 in 10 don't have clean water close to home. 1 in 4 don't have a decent toilet of their own. 2 in 5 people lack hand washing facilities at home.
Now recorded and hosted in a blog post.
March 22, World Water Day
World Water Day creates a beautiful moment for the Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph and our allies to join together and honour the value of water -- as a Blue Community. See the event recording here.
We gathered online from 2 - 3:30 pm on Monday, March 22nd. There was some key updates about the Blue Community work and water justice struggles happening locally and globally, but the focus of this World Water Day event was honouring the value of water. Most of our time together featured your words and creative expressions as well as short videos from some of our collaborators.
Water for All - a conversation with Water First
On January 26, 2021 the Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph invited John Millar (Founder and Executive Director of Water First) into a conversation with our Blue Community project -- protecting water as a human right, shared commons, and sacred gift. John showed a short video and spoke about how Water First is training a new generation of Indigenous water operators to help ensure that the drinking water on First Nations reserves is trusted and safe. John took many questions from Paul Baines (CSJ Blue Community Coordinator) and the audience of about 100 people. We highlighted Canada's struggling commitment to provide clean drinking water for all.
See the recording on our Youtube page.
November 4 - 8 WaterDocs Film Festival
Ecologos is pleased to invite you to the 2020 Water Docs Film Festival November 4 through 8. You will get to enjoy all of the great films originally scheduled for our March event that was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to screening several great films, you are also invited to be entertained by our emcee and learn more about the films through Q&A sessions. Your experience will be as close to being in the cinema as we can creatively design… you’ll just have to bring your imagination and the popcorn. And don’t worry, if you can’t make the live screenings, the films will be available to view for a period of time following each event.
10am, September 21. Walking the Talk: activating for the water.
The People’s Water Campaign is making connections between Ontario-based water injustices. This session focuses on various expressions and experiences protecting water as shared commons and sacred gift. One of the goals for the September 26th PWC Watershed 2020 digital convention is an invitational statement that supports this growing movement. Join Paul Baines and Tasha Beeds to learn about the written and experiential ways water protectors are stepping into their leadership roles. Watch Paul Baines' presentation here and Tasha Beeds' presentation here.
10am - 4pm, September 26. Watershed 2020: towards a water justice agenda.
A virtual convention to define the pathway towards a water justice agenda in Ontario! With plenary sessions, special guests, workshops, working sessions, networking, on-demand content, and an Expo Area featuring digital booths from local organizations, we’ll come together to restore environmental protections for water security and help build the movement for water justice in Ontario.
7pm, Monday July 13. All Eyes on Nestlé: is this really goodbye?
A webinar to discuss the implications of Nestlé's decision to sell operations in Wellington County and Hope BC to Ice River and next steps in the Say No To Nestlé campaign.
10am, Tuesday, July 14. Resisting Water Privatization: from Mapleton ON to Berlin, Germany
Wellington Water Watchers is hosting a webinar on the threat that public private partnership pose to public water systems in Canada.
WaterDocs Festival, March 25-29, Toronto (postponed until further notice)
The CSJ Blue Community project will be a sponsor for this year’s Water Docs festival. Contact Paul for free tickets and volunteer at the information table. The festival is the centrepiece of Water Docs programming – several days of high-impact films, animated discussions and community learning, with opportunities to take action to protect water.
Save Our Water is going to Queen's Park on February 27th, Toronto
The path to ban water for profit in Ontario is stopping in Toronto. Save Our Water is based in Elora Ontario and has been working to end Nestlés plans for another bottling plant in this Grand River community. RSVP with the link above so they can prepare for you too.
Converting wild salmon into a commodity is a global fairytale that strips us of ancient and ancestral relations with the gift-giving earth. Weaving storytelling, traditional and contemporary music, this performance activates our senses, asks for a critical restoration and re-storying of what it means to be a human living within a larger body. BEING SALMON, BEING HUMAN is a unique storytelling performance from Norway combining traditional tales, original music, and contemporary philosophy.
Water is the First Medicine, January 11, Villa St. Joseph Ecology & Spirituality Centre, Cobourg
Presentation and discussion about the CSJ Blue Community project and protecting water as a human right, shared commons, and sacred gift.
Common Waters: Climate, Conservation & Community, November 7, Toronto
As a direct response to the recent Climate Strikes that have successfully gathered so many people who care about their environment and the implications of climate change, Surf the Greats and Water First are organizing a special event to disseminate ideas, ignite discourse and affect change. Click on the event title to RSVP and see more information.
2019 Events
All Eyes On Nestlé, November 11-14th
You are invited to attend one (or more!) of a series of public events Wellington Water Watchers is sponsoring the week of Nov. 11th – 14th. International speakers from communities impacted by Nestlé water taking will speak about their experience opposing Nestlé.
There will be four public events (see dates, locations and RSVP links below).
The first three events – in Waterloo, Toronto and Hamilton - will feature Franklin Frederick (Brazilian writer and political/ environmental activist now living in Switzerland), and Bernhard and Rene Lisee Schmitt (founders of Collectif Eau 88 in Vittel France).
The fourth event in Guelph on Thursday Nov 14th will include speakers from communities in Maine, Florida and Michigan. Learn about the impact of Nestlé water bottling in communities around the world and learn more about how to
take action to protect water and Say No To Nestlé water bottling in Ontario.
Monday Nov 11th, Waterloo, The Atrium, Renison University College, 240 Westmount Rd. N. 7-9pm (RSVP Here)
Tuesday Nov 12th, Toronto, Wilson Hall Lounge, 2nd Floor Wilson Hall at New College, 40 Willcocks St. Toronto, 7-9pm (RSVP Here)
Wednesday Nov. 13th, Hamilton, Joseph’s Church Hall, 280 Herkimer St, 7-9pm (RSVP Here)
Thursday, Nov 14th, Guelph, Trinity United Church, 400 Stevenson St. N. 7-9pm (RSVP Here)
Water Justice in a Climate Emergency, Sept 26-29
Join an international community of people & groups working together to ensure water justice throughout the Great Lakes Basin. Speakers include: Maude Barlow, Lela George, Holly T. Bird, and Claire McClinton. Western University, Deshkan Ziibi watershed, London, Ontario. This event is free to attend.
All Nations Grand River Water Walk, June 15-21
A Water Walk that encompasses both Indigenous and non Indigenous Allies from one end of the Grand River to the other: Support The Grand River.
Water Gathering with the Credit River (Mississauga), July 12-14
We are excited and honoured to let you know about a gathering with and for the water. We invite you to come and meet, discuss and hold ceremony together for the waters for future generations. We will hold water ceremony, share water teachings and offer traditional healing!
2019 World Water Day Events
WaterDocs Film Festival, Toronto, March 5, -24
Join the Blue Communities project at the final screening, 3pm on Sunday March 24 since we have been given time and space to share our work with a public. If you'd like a free ticket to this screening contact Paul before March 8th.
The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians, London, March 22.
All are invited to join us as we will be holding a rally to bring awareness on the importance of water and the abuse that has been done to it by water bottling companies.
Nibi Giizhigat, Sault Ste. Marie, March 22
Meet at 180 Gore Street, 7am Sunrise Ceremony, 8:30 breakfast and water teachings, and 11am water walk along Gore Street to the waterfront for more words and prayers. Open to everyone. Contact Taylor Jobin for more information: 705-297-5435
Protect Our Water, Protect Our Plan, Sutton, March 23,
Get together to celebrate Lake Simcoe and the power of water during water week. Interactive educational materials, art and sign making, kid friendly, speakers corner, learn about the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition's priorities for the review of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, and more!
Pancake Breakfast for Sacred Water Walk, Peterborough, March 23
10th Annual Water Walk Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser and Public Information Program. Gluten Free and vegan meals provided as well as the full on sausage, bacon, pancakes, maple syrup, fruit, coffee, tea, juices and many wonderful contributions.
10th Annual Water Walk in the Kawarthas
The Walk around Rice Lake will begin with a Water Ceremony at Friday noon, May 10, at the Bensfort Bridge on County Rd 2. We will return here to complete the Walk on Sunday late afternoon, May 12. Great way to honour Mother's Day.
Reconciliation in Our Watershed, May 15, Toronto
What are the traditional Indigenous names of the places where you live? What shapes the geology and history of this region? Join us for an interactive workshop on understanding more deeply the physical spaces in which we live, that we might grow in love of the places we call home.
Decolonization and Climate Change, May 22 & 23, 2019
A panel discussion at the Mary Ward Centre (Toronto) hosted by Joint Ecological Ministry (JEM). Speakers include Sylvia McAdam (Idle No More), Jennifer Henry (KAIROS), Delaney Greig (SHARE), Karri Munn-Venn (Citizens for Public Justice), and Paul Baines (CSJ Blue Community).
Fall of 2018, the Council of Canadians are touring this book featuring a chapter on water privatization by Emma Lui. Check the book's event page to find an event near you.

Attend and promote this London event for protecting water in 2018.
Add your name to this petition.
Water is Life! Water is a Sacred Gift and Natural God Given Resource to be Shared by All.